Learning MethodA mental sign of vitamin D deficiency Over a billion people worldwide suffer from vitamin D deficiencyMemory and learning difficulties are signs of vitamin D ...26.12.2019Learning Method
Money and BusinessFighting group thinking with dissent Why dissent is essential to effective decision making.In government, in the boards of directors, every day, the inhabita...23.12.2019Money and Business
Mental StrengtheningThe best way to deal with negative emotions People who treated emotions this way were happier and less likely to be depressed.People who allow themselves to experie...22.12.2019Mental Strengthening
Love and MarriageWorkaholics better in bed Here's a thought for you: ask a hundred men how hard they work, then ask their wives about their orgasms.In this res...15.12.2019Love and Marriage
ManipulateYour brain judges the reliability of a face before consciously seeing it What does a trustworthy face look like?Reliability, as well as dominance, is one of the two most basic judgments we make...14.12.2019Manipulate
Communication2 simple skills that help your relationship last Learning these two skills will help your relationship last.Forgiveness is a vital skill for improving relationships, con...10.12.2019Communication
Mental Strengthening4-step guide to feeling relaxed quickly We care about work, money, our health, our partners, children ... the list goes on.And let's face it, there are many...09.12.2019Mental Strengthening
ManipulateThe emotion that lasts 240 times longer than other emotions What emotion takes on average 4 days to pass and why?Sadness is the longest of emotions, finding one of the first studie...07.12.2019Manipulate
ManipulateHow to effectively use the halo effect The halo effect is a classic conclusion of social psychology.It is the idea that global assessments of a person (eg, it ...06.12.2019Manipulate
Habits1 hour of this therapy cured 73% of insomniacs Healing insomnia with as little as 60 minutes of therapy is possible, research reveals.Three-quarters of patients with a...03.12.2019Habits