

How to take caffeine to double your concentration in an easy way.

Studies have shown that caffeine is the strongest.Earlier, I introduced a lesson on how to improve your concentration.Ho...

How to Improve Your Concentration Fourfold

What's the difference between a high performer who is four times as productive as the average person?Concentration p...
Goal and Success

The Most Effective Traits for Improving Social Status(Florida Atlantic University et al., 2020)

Purpose and Background of the ResearchThe human brain is programmed with a system for estimating the socialstatus of oth...

Goal Achievement Technique: Copy the strategies of your peers who aretaking the actions you want to take(University of Pennsylvania,2020)

Purpose and Background of the ResearchMany people struggle to achieve even the goals they set for themselves.Previous re...
Goal and Success

What clothes will make you look competent?(New York University et al.,2019)

Purpose and Background of the ResearchPast research has shown that humans are very sensitive to the wealthand poverty of...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Treat Chronic Inflammation(University of California et al.,2020)

Purpose and Background of the StudyPeople who suffer from chronic inflammation usually receive medication.However, drug ...

What is the Flynn Effect: Latest Research Findings(Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research et al., 2018)

The theme of this issue is the Flynn Effect.Let's take a look at what the Flynn effect is.I will also mention the la...
Goal and Success

How To Keep Your Brain 10 Years Younger(University of Cambridge et al., 2016)

Don't become obeseThe best way to keep your brain 10 years younger is to not be obese.According to the scientific pa...

Taking Creatine Increases Cognitive Performance(The University of Sydney, 2013)

PointCreatine is commonly known as a supplement used by athletes toincrease muscle mass.But that's not the only effe...
Goal and Success

People can do better if they do not make their goals public(New York University, 2009)

ConclusionIt became clear that sharing goals with others lowered commitment.The reason for this is that by showing off y...
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