2 simple skills that help your relationship last


Learning these two skills will help your relationship last.
Forgiveness is a vital skill for improving relationships, concludes new research.
The other strengthens relationships through positive thinking and behavior, together or individually.
This includes talking about the relationship positively and doing fun activities together.
Learning these skills – forgiveness and improving the relationship – will help the partnership to last.

Conflict management is often done when the relationship is threatened, said Dr. Brian Ogolsky, lead author of the study:

The threats to the relationship come from all kinds of different places.
Generally, there are many threats at the beginning of relationships that can cause problems, but that does not mean that they disappear later.
We know that couples cheat in the long run, people find themselves in new workplaces and in new situations where potential alternative partners come forward, conflicts arise or a lack of willingness to sacrifice time for your partner to emerge. .

The key is forgiveness, said Dr. Ogolsky:

Good conflict management or forgiving your partner for doing something wrong is an interactive process.
When a threat happens, we can do two things: we can abandon our partner or forgive them over time.

Along with conflict management, both partners need to work on improving the relationship.
Dr. Ogolsky said:

Individually, even thinking about our relationship may have changed.
As we engage together in leisure activities, let's talk about the state of our relationships, they are all interactive.

Relationships that work well are a state of mind:

We do something to convince ourselves that it's a good relationship and so it's good for our relationship.
Things like positive illusions, the idea that we can believe that our relationship is better than it is or that our partner is better than he or she is.
We can do it without your partner.

The findings come from a review of approximately 250 separate studies on relationship maintenance.
The study was published in the Journal of Family Theory & Review.
(Ogolsky et al., 2017)