How to Lose Weight Quickly and Reliably(University of California et al., 2013)

Health and Diet

The theme of this issue is how to lose weight fast.
The way to lose weight fast that I'm going to show you in this articleis to get rid of the lack of sleep.
It's something that many people can do easily, but it's very effectivefor losing weight quickly.
And, in fact, sleep deprivation is one of the things that people whowant to lose weight fast should avoid the most.
So, here are three of the latest research findings on why sleepdeprivation can help you lose weight.

  1. Sleep deprivation leads to cravings for high-calorie foods.
  2. When you don't get enough sleep, you feel hungrier and you put morefood on your plate.
  3. Sleep deprivation causes you to buy more high-calorie foods.

Sleep deprivation leads to cravings for high-calorie foods.

It is already clear that sleep deprivation and obesity are linked.
However, it is not clear what detrimental effects sleep deprivationhas on the brain mechanisms that control appetite.
Therefore, this study investigated what detrimental effects sleepdeprivation has on the brain mechanisms that control appetite.
In this study, an experiment was conducted with 24 participants. Inthe experiment, the participants' brains were scanned when they weregetting enough sleep and when they weren't.
The results were as follows.

  • Sleep deprivation slows down the activity of the brain region thatgoverns self-control.
  • Sleep deprivation activates the brain region that governs instincts.

In other words, when we don't get enough sleep, we lose self-controland can't make rational decisions to lose weight, so we instinctivelybinge eat what we want to eat.
The results of this study may explain why you crave more high-caloriefoods when you're sleep deprived.
And according to this study, the degree to which you cravehigh-calorie foods depends on the degree of sleep deprivation yousubjectively feel.

Referenced Scientific Papers

Research InstituteUniversity of California
Year The Study Was Published2013
Quote SourceGreer et al., 2013

When you don't get enough sleep, you feel hungrier and you put morefood on your plate.

The next research was conducted from the following perspective.

  • Whether or not the lack of sleep leads to more food on your plate
  • How sleep deprivation affects your hunger state
  • Whether the type of food you eat changes when you're sleep deprived

In the study, 16 men were divided into a group that got eight hours ofsleep and a group that didn't get any sleep at all.
The next morning, researchers measured the participants' portions oftheir meals and snacks.
In addition, plasma levels of hunger and ghrelin were measured.
The results of the experiment are as follows.

  • Sleep deprivation leads to a 13% increase in plasma ghrelin levels andan increase in hunger when compared to when adequate sleep isachieved.
  • Sleep deprivation increases the amount of food on your plate by 14%.
  • Sleep deprivation leads to 16% more sweets on your plate than if youwere able to get enough sleep.

Referenced Scientific Papers

Research InstituteUppsala University et al.
Year The Study Was Published2013
Quote SourceHogenkamp et al., 2013

Sleep deprivation causes you to buy more high-calorie foods.

The last study in this issue investigated whether sleep deprivationaffects the food choices we make when shopping for food.
In the study, 14 men were divided into a group that stayed up allnight and a group that got enough sleep.
Then, the next morning, they were given a budget of about US$50 andinstructed to buy what they liked out of 40 items, including 20high-calorie foods and 20 low-calorie foods.
To ensure that the price of the food did not affect the results of theexperiment, the prices of high-calorie foods were changed each timethe experiment was conducted.
To also reduce the impact of hunger, participants were given breakfastbefore the task.
The results showed that the foods purchased by the sleep-deprivedgroup were 9 percent more calories and 18 percent heavier in weightthan the other group.
The experiment revealed that sleep deprivation can even affect thefood choices you make to buy.

Referenced Scientific Papers

Research InstituteUppsala University et al.
Year The Study Was Published2013
Quote SourceChapman et al., 2013


It was previously thought that the tendency to eat more after sleepdeprivation was caused by the so-called hunger hormone ghrelin.
However, according to the latest research, the most important cause ofsleep deprivation appears to be a slowing of activity in the brainregion that governs self-control.
In other words, if you prevent sleep deprivation, you won't suffer theharms shown in the three studies.
So if you want to lose weight, it is recommended that you make sureyou get enough sleep.
That way, you'll be less likely to eat too much inadvertently.
Moreover, not only that, but you will be able to make rationaldecisions to take in order to lose weight.
This means that if you get enough sleep, you will be able to maintainmore self-control and therefore be able to perform more activitiessuch as exercise that are necessary to lose weight.


  • One of the effective ways to lose weight quickly is not to sleep deprived.
  • When you don't get enough sleep, your self-control is weakened.
  • As a result, the following will happen
    • You crave high-calorie foods.
    • You feel hungrier and you put more food on your plate.
    • You buy more high-calorie foods.
  • If you avoid sleep deprivation, you'll be less likely to inadvertentlyeat too much.
    Not only that, but you'll be able to maintain more self-control, soyou'll be able to put into action more of the actions you need to taketo lose weight, such as exercise.