Human Relationship

Introducing evidence-based knowledge about human relationships

Love and Marriage

9 Ways to Start an Affair in Your Company! How to proceed with an affair and the dangerous risks

Adultery is wrong.Even if you know it in your head, if there is a nice boss or a colleague you like in your company, you...
Love and Marriage

How to Make a Man Realize a Woman’s Love

If there is a man you are interested in, you want to subtly let him know that you like him.Letting a man know that you l...
Love and Marriage

Seven ways to avoid awkwardness when you cancel a date the day before.

Canceling a date is unbearably sad and annoying when it happens to you, but you tend to do it more often than you think....
Love and Marriage

5 Ways to Have a Happy Marriage with a Man Who Already Has a Partner

Many women may have had the experience of falling in love with a man who already has a partner.If you are fortunate enou...
Love and Marriage

Five ways to make progress in a relationship between friends and lovers! And tips on choosing the right place to go on a date and how to talk to each other!

More than a friend and less than a lover is an ambiguous relationship, isn't it?It might even make you itch.Many of ...
Love and Marriage

How to use your voice to attract men and its characteristics

There are many reasons for falling in love.Looks, kindness, and whether or not you are comfortable talking to them.There...

Characteristics of annoying girlfriends and how to deal with them

It's often fun to go shopping together with good female friends, or have tea or dinner and chat, as it helps to refr...
Love and Marriage

Married couples dating. Is it an affair? 4 excuses and ways to meet without being blamed by others.

There are many places to meet people, even if you are both married, at work, with former friends, at reunions, or as a h...

3 ways to keep a good distance from people you dislike

Regardless of gender, do you ever find yourself wondering why you don't like someone?I've blocked people on soci...
Love and Marriage

The best frequency of messenger with the person you love.

How often do you contact the person you have a crush on?If you're too persistent, you might get pulled away, and if ...
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