Health and DietAlcoholic beverages that are less harmful to health I have always loved sake and when I start drinking, I drink a lot.On the other hand, I am doing a pareo diet that reprod...18.08.2019HealthHealth and Diet
Health and DietIf you choose only one supplement to take, it should be dietary fiber. There are many diet supplements on the market.There are many types of fat burning and appetite suppression, but only die...18.08.2019HealthHealth and Diet
Mental StrengtheningLoneliness raises mortality as much as smoking It has long been said that loneliness is not good for the mind and body.So I wondered how bad loneliness is for my healt...17.08.2019HealthMental Strengthening
Health and DietCountermeasures against gluttony that are scientifically effective I have been a big eater.But gluttony leads to obesity.Moreover, high calorie intake can lead to aging.So, I've been ...17.08.2019HealthHealth and Diet
Health and DietWhat is “AGE” that promotes aging? I love to eat meat.However, recently there has been an increasing number of arguments that eating meat will promote agin...17.08.2019HealthHealth and Diet
Health and DietEating eggs for breakfast loses weight A long time ago, it was said that "egg is a mass of cholesterol, so if you eat too much, it will die from arterioscleros...17.08.2019HealthHealth and Diet
Health and DietIf you go to the gym, you get fat The research that claims to get fat when you go to the gym was interesting, so let me introduce it.Why Going to the Gym ...17.08.2019HealthHealth and Diet
Goal and SuccessAffirmation improves problem solving I often hear that "life has changed with affirmation."Affirmation is a kind of thing that seems to be true when you impl...17.08.2019AmbitionGoal and Success
Health and DietCoffee has the effect of suppressing appetite There was a research result that coffee has an appetizing effect.This time, I will introduce this research.Does coffee a...17.08.2019HealthHealth and Diet
Learning MethodThere are only two study methods that have proven scientifically effective. This time, we will introduce the research result that there are only two scientifically effective study methods.The orig...17.08.2019AmbitionLearning Method