Health and Diet

Health and Diet

Countermeasures against gluttony that are scientifically effective

I have been a big eater.But gluttony leads to obesity.Moreover, high calorie intake can lead to aging.So, I've been ...
Health and Diet

What is “AGE” that promotes aging?

I love to eat meat.However, recently there has been an increasing number of arguments that eating meat will promote agin...
Health and Diet

Eating eggs for breakfast loses weight

A long time ago, it was said that "egg is a mass of cholesterol, so if you eat too much, it will die from arterioscleros...
Health and Diet

If you go to the gym, you get fat

The research that claims to get fat when you go to the gym was interesting, so let me introduce it.Why Going to the Gym ...
Health and Diet

Coffee has the effect of suppressing appetite

There was a research result that coffee has an appetizing effect.This time, I will introduce this research.Does coffee a...
Health and Diet

Unexpected aging sign

This time we will introduce “Aging Signs”.Here is the original paper.A clear sign of aging creeping on youAlthough wrink...
Health and Diet

A scientifically correct way to train core muscles

In recent years, core muscles and trunk training have become popular. Here's how to train your core muscles more eff...
Health and Diet

Just sitting for 6 hours a day can trigger any disease

In recent years, the standing desk has become a hot topic.The reason why the standing desk is so much talked about is th...
Health and Diet

Chef’s figure is an indicator for choosing a good restaurant

Have you ever had the following questions?“Why is a skilled chef not fat?”Certainly, the three-star chef at the top rest...
Health and Diet

The scientifically correct way to control appetite

I think there are times when you can't control your appetite or you eat something unintentionally. Especially on holidays, you tend to eat too much. According to a paper from the University of Innsbruck, there's an easy and reliable way to control your appetite. The experiment looked at how likely it was that mentally exhausted subjects could overcome their appetite using the method. As a result, 97% of women and 67% of men succeeded in suppressing their appetite.
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